

Responsible for this website is

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Email: info[at]berghof-foundation[dot]org

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Berghof Foundation Operations assumes no responsibility for the contents of websites that may be accessed through hyperlinks on this website. The external provider is solely responsible for the content of such external links.

Image Credits

We would like to thank the following photographers, organisations, and staff for granting copyright permission.

Homepage (header image): The Humboldt Forum in Berlin. Photo © Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss, Foto: Andreas König

Homepage (second image): Panel discussion at Transitional Justice Hub Conference in Berlin in April 2023. Photo © Konstantin Börner

Homepage (image "Home at the Humboldt Forum"): The east facade of the Humboldt Forum with the Berlin Cathedral in the background. Photo © Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss, Foto: Andreas König

Programme Innovation Fair: ©AYAimages -

About Page: Berghof Foundation workshop on conflict transformation and environmental peacebuilding in Somalia. Photo © Berghof Foundation

Blog post "The brain and peace": Image © SomkiatFakmee |  Getty Images Pro via CanvaPro

Speaker profile "Meredith Preston McGhie": Image © L&G Enterprises

News article "Watch The Berlin Moot livestream on 17April": Photo © Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss, Foto: Andreas König

Blog post "What can we do to ensure wars will end again at the negotiating table?": Photo © Picture Alliance / Dpa | UlisesRodríguez

News article about conference day one: Photo © Berghof Foundation/ Mathias Völzke

News articles about conference day two, photo impressions from the conference, "Peacemakers call for more international cooperation to end conflicts", blog post "The role of business in peacemaking": Photo © Berghof Foundation/ Constanze Flamme

Blog post "Climate Compass: Navigating mediation challenges in a warming world": Photo © Berghof Foundation

Website credits

This website was built and designed by Soapbox.


The content of the Berghof Foundation website is protected by copyright law. The copyright belongs to the Berghof Foundation unless another proprietor is explicitly named. The reproduction of articles or other content for other than private purposes requires the prior approval of Berghof Foundation Operations.