
Panel: Transforming Peace Leadership


Watch this panel live on 17 April from 17:30- 18:30 CEST.

High-level peace processes are losing effectiveness. Rather than replicating the same patterns of intervention, women mediators have started advocating for a shift from a pure focus on the gender dimensions of mediation and negotiation styles to a discussion on what meaningful peace leadership could look like. They stress values like compassion, patience, and humility and more flexible, creative, and collaborative approaches in peace negotiations.

This conversation will explore questions like: How can we make sure that women’s expertise is utilised and recognised beyond automatically characterising women as gender experts or women representatives? What kind of targeted support might be needed to promote women leaders as key actors in peace processes? What framework conditions allow women to exercise a more inclusive leadership style and how can these framework conditions be put in place? Learning from lived experience, this conversation will shed light on concrete steps that can be taken to challenge existing power structure and gendered norms to transform peace leadership for the 21st century.



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